Saturday, July 28, 2007

Alli: The Expensive Way to Give Yourself Explosive Diarrhea

You know what makes me sick?

When a product comes out that is so utterly moronic, so completely and thoroughly ridiculous, so clearly and obviously just-plain-wrong, and so bad for you that they have to put millions and millions of marketing hype behind it just to get people to consider trying it.

What makes me even sicker is when people are just plain stupid enough to buy it.

I've often found that something this stupid can only be exposed properly through humor.

Here's a really funny (and eye opening) report on the latest stupid and dangerous diet pill you may have noticed displayed prominently on giant advertising kiosks at Walmart, and other stores. I hate to give these a-holes any kind of mention at all about their "crappy" product, but I'm all about the truth.

Enjoy this, and before you decide to try you-know-what, imagine what it's like to spray pizza oil out of your ass uncontrollably.

1 Comment:

debbie said...

thanks for clarifying i was about to buy that b4 my diet change, on tv it seems so convincing,
thanks debbie